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K-12 Immunization Requirements



K-12 Immunizations

Immunization Requirements for K-12th grade     

Under the California School Immunization Law (California Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375), children are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public schools. 
The California School Immunization Law also requires schools to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports to the local health department.
As of December 1, 2022, these are the new immunization dose requirements:
The picture shows number of doses required of each immunization: 4 Polio, 5 DTaP, 3 Hep B
A partir del 1 de Diciembre de 2022, estos son los nuevos requisitos de dosis de vacunación:  IN Spanish: The picture shows number of doses required of each immunization: 4 Polio, 5 DTaP, 3 Hep B
State law requires students beginning Kindergarten have all required immunizations.  Students missing immunizations will not be able to start school until we receive these records.                             

Please provide documentation of completed vaccinations to your child's school or GUSD Health Services Office.

Grade 7 Immunizations

Incoming 7th graders are required to have the following vaccinations:
  • Tdap booster 
  • 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine (Varicella)

Please provide documentation of completed vaccinations in person or by fax to Sycamore Middle School or GUSD Health Services Office.

               Sycamore Middle School               OR                 GUSD Health Services Office                                 
               530 846-3636 (Phone)                                          530-846-4582 (Fax)
               530 846-6796 (Fax)
Ready for 7th grade? 3 pictures of students: a girl, a boy, a girl holding a notebook. Under the pictures:  Get 2 chickenpox shots and the whooping cough shot if you haven       In Spanish: Ready for 7th grade? 3 pictures of students: a girl, a boy, a girl holding a notebook. Under the pictures:  Get 2 chickenpox shots and the whooping cough shot if you haven