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Employee Work Calendars





Unsure which calendar you are on?

Unsure which calendar you are on?

Employee work calendar placement is made when you are hired. A copy of your work calendar will be provided to you at hire.
9-Month (180 Days) calendar includes but is not limited to the following classifications: Assistant Activities Coordinator, Instructional Aides, Noon Duty Supervisors, Cafeteria Helpers/Assistant Cooks/Cooks, Clerical Aides- Health Services, School Campus Supervisor, Speech Language Pathologist Assistants and Bus Drivers.

10-Month calendar includes but is not limited to the following classifications: Bilingual Family Support Specialist, Office Clerks, Media Clerks, Media Clerk/Computer Tech, Computer Tech/Library Clerk and Health Service Secretary.
10-Month alternate calendar includes but is not limited to the following classifications: Office Clerk (MOT Department), SIS Specialist

11-Month calendar includes the following classifications: Secretary I/II/III.

12-Month calendar includes the following classification: Bus Driver/Groundsman, all Maintenance and Operations positions, Payroll Technician and Secretary/Account Clerk, Administrative Secretary.