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About Us

About Our District

About Our District

The Gridley Unified School District (GUSD) is located in the small, rural community of Gridley, California,
approximately 90 minutes north of Sacramento in the Central Valley. The district serves approximately 2000 students in 5 schools; McKinley Primary School (K-1), Woodrow Wilson Elementary School (2-5),
Sycamore Middle School (6-8), Gridley High School (9-12), and Esperanza High School (Alternative Education).
The demographics of the area include a high percentage of students living in low socioeconomic households (65%) and approximately 17% English Language Learners.
The GUSD School Board has established four goals for the period of 2024-2027:
  1. Provide a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment.

    1. Implement, monitor, and evaluate the GUSD safety plan.
    2. Full PBIS implementation for K-8 Schools.
    3. Maintain socioemotional learning (SEL) supports.
    4. Implement, monitor, and evaluate the district wellness plan based on district needs.
    5. Increase physical and mental health awareness and habits in students.
    6. Increase local partnerships for substance abuse, mental health, and physical health.
2. Provide effective curriculum and instruction that results in increased student achievement.
  1. Teachers collaborate around data-driven instruction in subject and/or grade-level meetings weekly.
  2. Offer a consistent, articulated, balanced, instructional K-12 program to all students.
  3. Early Literacy Development based on phonemic awareness, phonic, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
  4. All students increase proficiency in ELA, Math, and Science.
  5. All GUSD students graduate college and/or career ready.

3. Increase parent, family, and community involvement in the education of all students.
  1. Organize community events that engage families in their child’s learning.
  2. Increase parent participation in school and district meetings and committees - i.e. Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), Site and District English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC/DELAC), Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs), and other opportunities.
  3. Develop a strategy to improve attendance districtwide. 

4. Develop a facilities master plan to address infrastructure needs for GUSD.
  1. Create an inventory of current district facilities, their current condition, and future prioritization list based on condition, funding, and emerging needs.